Glue Up Discusses Transformative Leadership with Top Association Leaders

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Glue Up Discusses Transformative Leadership with Top Association Leaders

Sr. Marketing & Operations Manager
4 minutes read
Last updated: November 17, 2023

In the face of constant change, breakthroughs and disruption the question becomes: how can association leaders head the change?

Glue Up recently held three forums titled Moving into the Future: Transformative Association Leadership Forum in Manila, Singapore and Hong Kong. Top association leaders were invited to discuss how the accelerated pace of 21st century change redefining the qualities of a good leader in associations.

The packed agenda featured industry presentations on the importance of volunteer engagement; setting up, managing and moving new ideas forward; how to future-proof associations using creativity and innovation; and a thought-provoking panel discussion addressing some of the biggest challenges in leadership today such as millennial leadership, encouraging wider representation of women in leadership roles and how leaders are preparing or addressing the shifts shaping associations today.

On the importance of transformational leadership for associations, keynote speakers’ Bobby Peralta (CEO and co-founder of the Philippine Council of Associations and Association Executives) Ann Yom Steel (Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore) and Mauricio Lozano (President of The Mexican Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong) shared:

“In grade school, I remember my teacher telling me that to learn and lead in life, the important “3R’s” are reading, (w)riting and (a)rithmetic. In the association world based on my experience, the essential “3R’s” to learn and lead are relevance, relationships and resources.” Bobby Peralta '“Having a strategic vision for the organization, rallying the team around a common purpose, and leading with authenticity, to me, are core elements of a transformational leadership. In a non-profit organization, assessing gaps and limitations in the organization and applying situational leadership in my experience has been the fastest way to build momentum for drive transformations for the organization.” Ann Yom Steel "Transformational leadership is the courage to transcend an organization into a new stage that is better suited to take advantage of developing trends and capture future growth. Associations need to continuously adapt and transform to ensure survival and growth in today's fast paced environment. In a world where the majority seeks to pass off responsibility, leadership is the willingness to be responsible for actions, whether conventional or unconventional, that will ultimately transform any association." Mauricio Lozano


Priyanka Agarwal, President of the American Women’s Association of Hong Kong using AWA Wise (a week-long event enabling women to come back to work) case study, shared how purpose, team empowerment and motivation are the keys to effective of volunteerism engagement.

Jesse Francis Rebustillo, HR Consultant and National President of the Philippine Association of Professional Speakers discussed how effective volunteer engagement is a strategy for association to build the capacity and collaboration that develops high-impact, meaningful opportunities to create greater influence and outcome for any association.

Former General Manager, Programmes at YMCA Singapore Karen Wee on her workshop enumerated the pros and cons in managing volunteers and how leaders should enhance motivation, morale and performance of team through variety of interactions and activities.

LA Sevilla, President of Junior Chamber International shared why a healthy dose of diversity in associations' boards is a necessity that makes everyone and the organization grow.

Global educator, keynote speaker and author, Dickson Tang delivered a TED-style talk on how associations can use creativity and innovation to future-ready their associations. He shared three strategic directions to activate the creativity “trapped” in teams, so that leaders can fast-track the development of their association and members.

Special thanks to our panelists Belinda Esterhammer (Co-Founder and Board Member of Women in Tech Hong Kong), Terry Chan (Founder & Chairman of Hong Kong eCommerce Supply Chain Association), Nico Serrano (National President, Life Underwriters Association), Benita Meagher (Executive Director, Irish Chamber of Commerce), Yen-Lu Chow (Co-founder & Director, Asia Institute of Mentoring) and Kaumudi Goda (Co-chair, KeyNote).

Some photo highlights:

Hong Kong

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transformative association leadership glue up

transformative association leadership glue up

transformative association leadership glue up

transformative association leadership glue up

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transformative leadership forum manila

transformative leadership forum manila

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